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Sussex, United Kingdom

Thursday, 27 May 2010

FMP Finished.

So I have just finished typing up my Final Major Project production report, and it actually was quite an epic task to recall a years worth of work and I am glad I kept some sort of record of my involvement or else I would have completely lost track or when and what I actually did.

I can't believe it's done though. Hand in tomorrow. and then an opportunity to start creating artwork for fun for a few weeks :)

1 comment:

  1. I hear you there! I can't wait to start doing 3D for FUN instead of spending ages on one thing!

    I need to think of everything I've done too, and start my other 2 projects! Oh I'm so useless!

    Thanks so much for your help earlier! without it i wouldn't have known what to include!
    Everything was all good in the end though, and I hope they'll like it!
